Kenya’s overall economic and social development is highly dependent on the growth and development of the agricultural sector. The agriculture industry in Kenya remains the most prominent, important and dominant industry.

It accounts for over 26% of the total GDP, 20% of employment, 75% of the labour force, and over 50% of revenue from exports.

Approximately 80% of the Kenyan population lives in rural areas and makes a living directly or indirectly from agriculture.

Our role in the National Development Agenda

The Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (2009-2020), and the Vision 2030 emphasize the need for increasing productivity, commercialization and competitiveness of the agricultural sector as well as the need for efficiency and better management in the utilization of public resources. The ASDS aims at positioning the agricultural sector in the lead as a key driver for delivering the 10% annual economic growth rate envisioned under the economic pillar of Vision 2030. With the above in mind, Kenya Seed Company has aligned its strategic plan to the overall objective of the government and achievement of vision 2030. KSC will contribute to the achievement of this vision through:
• Improving seed quality, distribution and marketing
• Strengthening linkages and partnership with other stakeholders in the sector
• Strengthening research capacity

The key performance areas that our company is focusing on are:
1. Seed Production
We shall optimize seed production to meet 100% of annual planned target y increasing yields per unit area and also increasing acreage in irrigated areas.
2. Seed Quality
We shall comply with the seed certification processes and customer expectations on seed quality
3. Productivity of subsidiaries.
We shall invest the required resources to revitalize subsidiaries
4. Human Resources
We shall attract, retain and develop a competent and motivated staff
5. Stakeholder engagement
We shall enhance stakeholder engagement and interdepartmental linkages
6. Marketing
Increase sales volume by carrying out aggressive marketing in local and regional markets
7. Communication.
Timely dissemination of relevant information. This will not only enhance efficiency
in operations but will also create positive public image and perception of the
8. Technology uptake.
The company is operating in a dynamic environment which is rapidly changing as a
result of the level of technological advancement globally. We shall embrace, on a
continuous basis, new technology, adopt mechanization in seed production as well
as continuously pursue innovation in the value chain.

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